Rebecca Warner

Dynamic Relationships

He's Just A Man by author Rebecca Warner

He's Just A Man

He's Just A Man...He's not a mystery or a puzzle. He's simply the male of our species, but he has one significant soft spot: He is in pursuit of a female—he is biologically driven to find a mate. It doesn't matter how rich, powerful or handsome a man is, he is still just a man who is looking for a woman to love.

All you need to find your loving, committed man is the knowledge and understanding of the power you possess as a woman. In Book 1 of HE'S JUST A MAN, Making the Most of Your Womanly Power, you'll discover this power you have been given as a woman, and techniques on how to harness and use that power in a healthy way to attract the right man for you. With this knowledge, you can get past any fear or doubt about ever meeting that man. It's really a very basic premise: You want a loving man, and a man wants a loving mate.

Tap into your womanly power to gain the confidence you need to find your true life partner, secure in the knowledge that he is just a man!

No matter how rich, powerful or handsome he is, he is defenseless against your womanly power.

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